Kamis, 24 Desember 2009

Principle of the Adaptive Dimension

Posted at 16.47 by thegudangupil
Principle of the Adaptive Dimension
  • Adaption to curriculum, intruction, anda learning environment should be guided by the following beliefs:

  • The adaptive dimension includes all student in all educational setting.

  • The adaptive dimension place expectation upon the teacher and support personel to asses, plan, and deliver appropriate learning experiences for all student

  • The adaptive dimension recognizes that students approach learning in multiple ways

  • The adaptive dimension recognizes the importance of careful pr-planning for intruction

  • The adaptive dimension requires the teacher to attend to the learner, the learning task, and the learning environment

  • The adaptive dimension requires that assessment practices align with the adaptations to curriculum and instruction provided for the student

  • The adaptive dimension expects student diversity, as reflected in individual differences, to be the key consideration for teacher planning

  • The adaptive dimension assumes that there is an interrelationship among the variables associated with adaption.

Source :
Chapter 3.The Adaptive Dimension, in Instructional Approaches/A framework for Professional Practice. Saskatchewan Education.
Terkumpul Dari dan Oleh : hany kamarga

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